Embrace your inner lioness & roar with faith & purpose

The Vision of Lioness Ministries is to empower and equip you to break out of cycles of defeat, discover your worth and identity in Christ, and to discover and fulfill your calling. 

Dream School

Unlock the power of your dreams

Dreams are gateways to heavenly perspectives and God's limitless potential.
Our Dream School helps you:

  • Dream School is a 6-week course.

  • Dream School will consist of a weekly interactive Zoom with replays available.

    You will have access to an exclusive group chat to post dreams, share comments, ask questions, and interact with a community of dreamers.

  • The interactive Zoom meetings will last approximately 1-1/2 hours.  How much time you spend engaging in the group is up to you.  How much additional time you devote to the course is a personal choice and depends on how much you dream and how committed you are to journaling and stewarding your dreams.

  • No prior experience with dream interpretation is necessary.

  • The most important materials to have are a Bible and a journal.

    It is recommended to purchase The Divinity Code to Understanding Your Dreams and Visions, by Adam F. Thompson and Adrian Beale. An additional resource that is helpful but not required is A to Z Dream Symbology Dictionary by Barbie Breathitt.

    • Studying the Biblical basis for dreams and visions

    • Studying and discussing the significance of symbolism in dreams and visions

    • Instruction on journaling, interpreting, and stewarding your dreams to accomplish their purposes

    • Studying and discussing the different types of dreams, along with their purposes 

Join us on this 6-week course to discover how your dreams can transform your personal life and impact the world around you.

Next Course: November 10, 2024

About Lori Doyen

I'm Lori Doyen, the founder of Lioness Ministries. I am a mother of six, grandmother of two, and wife to the most amazing man, Scot Doyen. I launched Lioness Ministries in 2019 to share the prophetic words the Lord was giving me and started the Lioness Roar podcast.

Lioness Ministries was birthed through a dream I had in 2015. In the dream, a wise older woman said to me, "Pick up your head! Do you not have the voice of a lion?!" Then, I opened my mouth to answer yes, but a huge roar came out. Since then, the Lord has told me to send out the Lioness and many women would pick up their mantles.